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To say I fell in love with the country of Spain would be an understatement.
 The Spanish culture is so different, and the people of Spain are very kind and genuine people. My favorite part of the program most definitely was the host family -- it allowed me to really feel like Spain was my second home. I think that living with a host family is always the way to go, and the host families in this particular program are phenomenal; leaving every student was in tears as they said their goodbyes. On the weekends
I wasn't traveling, my host family would bring me to different pueblos (towns) in Spain or to lunches at my host dad's parent's house in a nearby town. By living with a host family, you are constantly practicing and improving your Spanish, but at the same time making life-long friends and truly experiencing the Spanish culture.

I'd recommend this program to every single student who is interested in learning Spanish. Aside from the classroom aspect of the program, I'd also recommend this program to anybody who loves to travel -- the excursions included allow students to see a part of Spain that really aren't "touristy" areas. In many ways, all of us felt like we got to experience the true Spain. Finally, this program forces students to go outside of their comfort zone and in doing so; it really shows them their true capabilities.



The fall semester of 2013 I studied abroad in Santander to work towards finishing my Spanish minor. The program gave me not only a more solid foundation of the Spanish language but also insight into the history and culture of Spain. 

I personally recommend this program to others who are interested in studying abroad in Spain and experience the culture first-hand. Santander is small enough of a city that you can walk to practically any destination and has an outstanding bus service. The beach is very well kept and there are many hiking trail along the coast to explore. There are also plenty of shops and restaurants that are located in the center of town. Santander is full of foreign exchange students from countries all over Europe and South America. It is easy to make new friends from different countries. 

In addition, the program gave students excursions where we were able to travel. I can’t help but reminisce on the outstanding European trips and strong relationships that were built with my classmates, host family and other foreign students. Not to mention the class trips to beautiful destinations such as Picos de Europa, San Sebastian, Salamanca, and Madrid. It truly was a wonderful experience, my Spanish improved tremendously and I built many unforgettable memories and friendships!



Ever since I was a little girl, I was fascinated by the Spanish language. I thought it was so beautiful how the words just flowed together like a river of unique sounds. I grew up taking different spanish courses throughout my schooling career, and then, once I came to UNCW, I researched all of the study abroad opportunities. I knew from my freshman year that I wanted to be a Spanish major. And finding a program that allowed me to advance towards my minor sounded ideal. Little did I know that studying abroad in Santander would make me fall in love with the culture and reevaluate my future desires and make me want to spend the rest of my life there. I came to Spain with a passion of learning the language and left with the burning desire to become a Spanish citizen. I have not yet made that wish come true, but I know I will eventually end up there. 

Santander is a beautiful city. It isn't too different from Wilmington. It is a beach city with a beautiful downtown area and wonderful Universities. The inhabitants of this delightful city are friendly and eager to meet a foreigner. You will not meet a stranger in Santander, as everyone is willing to help you out and better your spanish speaking abilities. The families that allow you into their home and provide for you are the most amazing people you will ever meet in your entire lifetime.

I talk to my host parents, Carmen and Amaro, almost every single day and it has been two years since I studied abroad in Santander. I made lifelong friends from around the world that I plan on visiting and a few have already come to stay at my house in Wrightsville Beach. It truly is an experience of a lifetime, and I cannot express to you how excited I am for all of you to experience this for yourselves. Studying abroad really broadens your horizons and changes the way you see the world. I've become more of a citizen of the world rather than a citizen of the United States, and that is the best feeling!

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